Contract Signature Authority

Only the President of ASU has signature authority for contracting, unless that authority has been specifically delegated by the President pursuant to the ASU Contract Authority Policy (PUR107). These delegations are limited to specific contract types and dollar amounts. Please refer to this policy and the list of signature authority delegations whenever you have a question about the appropriate administrator to approve a contractual relationship. If the position you hold has not been delegated signature authority under this policy, you are not authorized to enter into contractual relationships on behalf of ASU. Failure to follow university policies on contracts may result in an employee's loss of insurance coverage and personal liability (A.R.S. 35-154).

Note: The signature authority delegated to the positions below does not include the right to sign contracts granting exclusive rights, which contracts must be approved in advance by the President. Furthermore, certain types of contracts must be administered or approved by those with the authority in those areas. For example, contracts:

  • for the purchase of goods and services should be referred to Purchasing and Business Services;
  • related to a grant or a sponsored project must be administrated through the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Administration (ORSPA);
  • for the use of public events facilities (such as, Gammage Auditorium, Sun Devil Stadium, Desert Financial Arena, and Kerr Cultural Center) must be administered by ASU Gammage/ASU Public Events (as approved by ASU Public Affairs);
  • for the use of public events facilities for sporting event contracts (such as, Sun Devil Stadium and Desert Financial Arena) are administered through Sun Devil Athletics; or
  • for the private use of ASU facilities or equipment financed with tax-exempt bonds must be approved by the Executive Vice President, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer in addition to any other approvals or signature authority. Please see the ASU Private Use of University Facilities Policy (FIN 126).
  • for contracts for the use of real property (for example, leases or easements), such contracts are administered through the University Real Estate Development office.

Questions? Contact OGC.

Signature Authority Delegations

The Office of General Counsel maintains the list of those officers to whom the President has delegated signature authority and the scope of the authority delegated.

  1. President and Senior Leadership
  2. Office of the Provost of the University
  3. Office of the Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
  4. Office of the Executive Vice President for Knowledge Enterprise Development
  5. Office of the Executive Vice President for ASU Health
  6. Office of the Executive Vice President, Learning Enterprise
  7. Office of the Senior Vice President for Educational Outreach and Student Services
  8. Office of the Senior Vice President for University Affairs
  9. Office of the University Athletics Director

Some of the legal material found at this site has been abridged from laws, regulations, court decisions, administrative rulings, ABOR and ASU policies and other sources. Further details may be necessary for complete analysis and understanding in particular matters. The information contained at this site, and related links, is not a substitute for professional legal counsel. Any discrepancy between the information at this site and ASU policy is not intended to alter or amend official ASU policy or procedure.

Any links to non-Arizona State University information are provided as a courtesy. They are not intended to nor do they constitute an endorsement by the Arizona Board of Regents or Arizona State University of the linked materials.