Contract Forms

For complete information about contracts, refer to the Contracts information. Questions? Contact OGC.

If you are preparing a contract without the benefit of a model format, some basic formats can be downloaded and printed from the links below (ASURITE authentication required). Please be advised that these form agreements can only be signed by University officials with designated Contract Signature Authority pursuant to the ASU Contract Authority Policy (PUR 107). Furthermore, certain types of contracts must be administered or approved by those with the authority in those areas (refer to Contract Signature Authority). In addition, any material or substantive changes to the standard contract language or format must be approved by OGC. Failure to insure that the appropriate signature authority is obtained may result in personal liability (ARS 35-154) and loss of insurance coverage for the employee(s) involved in the transaction.

By following the link below to the contracts forms you agree that you have read and understood the limitations on the use of these forms described above.


  1. Facilities Use Agreement (ASURITE authentication required)
  2. Speaker Artist Agreement (ASURITE authentication required)
  3. Participation Agreement (ASURITE authentication required)
  4. Student Placement Agreements (ASURITE authentication required)
  5. Contract Routing Form;(ASURITE authentication required)

Note: To access those PDF forms with fields that can be filled in, ensure that the latest versions of of the respective Internet browser and Adobe Acrobat Reader are installed. Then download and save the form to a location of choice for the PDF form. From that location, open the form, fill in the fields, and resave the form. If one enters data into the fields before saving the form for the first time, some browsers may not save the data within the form. One may also print the fillable form(s) with no data in the fields and fill out by hand.

Some of the legal material found at this site has been abridged from laws, regulations, court decisions, administrative rulings, ABOR and ASU policies and other sources. Further details may be necessary for complete analysis and understanding in particular matters. The information contained at this site, and related links, is not a substitute for professional legal counsel. Any discrepancy between the information at this site and ASU policy is not intended to alter or amend official ASU policy or procedure.

Any links to non-Arizona State University information are provided as a courtesy. They are not intended to nor do they constitute an endorsement by the Arizona Board of Regents or Arizona State University of the linked materials.